2nd quarter 2017
28 Jun 2017 New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph translation poetry by Ada Negri "End of strike" (1907). |
24 Jun 2017 Correspondence of 1913 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1912.
I ask clearly and firmly establish the view that this is writer’s fee – or costs earned or gift get by prayer? (Mar 12, 1913. To mother)
21 Jun 2017 New translation
We finish publishing the article by Maurice Vernes "Gospel" translated by Lesja Ukrainka (1895). Today – section "Conclusions".
It is clear the intention of different evangelists not to complement each other, but to replace the other.
17 Jun 2017 New illustration
The gallery of illustrations to Lesja Ukrainka's works is replenished with cover of book "Forest song" – Lukash and Mavka. |
14 Jun 2017 New study
In the "Studies" section we continue publishing a book R. Zadesnjansky "Lesja Ukrainka creativity" (1965). Today – the section "Will and Power."
Listen to the tone of this – and you will see that it is not greedy rule for pleasure or fame type, and truly worthy embodiment of the idea of power.
10 Jun 2017 New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph poetry "Behind mountain lightning…" (1907). |
7 Jun 2017 Correspondence of 1913 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1912.
Wrote and sent to the collection in honor of Franko two small things that together with the third, written long ago, are like some sort of integrity. (Feb 16, 1913. To sister Olga)
3 Jun 2017 New translation
We continue publishing the article by Maurice Vernes "Gospel" translated by Lesja Ukrainka (1895). Today – section "Criticism of the Gospels."
Newer Protestant criticism failed to explain the Gospels, where they tried to look for memories, not realizing that they are deeply dogmatic.
31 May 2017 New illustration
The gallery of illustrations to Lesja Ukrainka's works is replenished with wood carving by V.Vasylenko "Forest song. Lukash and Mavka (Act 1)". |
27 May 2017 New study
In the "Studies" section we continue publishing a book R. Zadesnjansky "Lesja Ukrainka creativity" (1965). Today – the section "National liberation struggle".
This work, which can be considered a respectable contribution to the treasury of world literature, preserve its relevance until exist in the world of national slavery in whatever form.
24 May 2017 New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page of autograph epilogue dramatic poem "Cassandra" (1907). |
20 May 2017 Correspondence of 1913 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1912.
Now, the Egyptian sun was someone poured a little life and energy, but whether that many once – God knows. (Jan 18, 1913. To O. Kobylianska)
17 May 2017 New translation
We continue publishing the article by Maurice Vernes "Gospel" translated by Lesja Ukrainka (1895). Today – section "The Origin of the Gospels."
All this allows us attributed beginning our gospels to the time between 80 and 100 years in the Christian communities living in coastal cities Syria-Phoenicia.
13 May 2017 New illustration
The gallery of illustrations to Lesja Ukrainka's works is replenished with etching M. Deregus "Forest song. Lukash and Mavka (Act 1)" (1950). |
10 May 2017 New study
In the "Studies" section we continue publishing a book R. Zadesnjansky "Lesja Ukrainka creativity" (1965). Today – the section "Avoiding socialist ideas."
Then, among the works of Lesja Ukrainka we does not find any further works, even to such "Autumn tale" or written before "Sinner" – works, which marked a certain fascination with socialist ideas.
6 May 2017 New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page of 2nd scene dramatic poem "Cassandra" (1907). |
3 May 2017 Correspondence of 1913 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available first 5 letters of 1912.
Nobody knows what harder – or sign initials, or sign your full name of a thing, obviously hurt, as happened with "Rufin and Priscilla". (Jan 10, 1913. To mother)
29 Apr 2017 New translation
We continue publishing the article by Maurice Vernes "Gospel" translated by Lesja Ukrainka (1895). Today – section "The character and historical value of the Gospels."
Gospels St. Luke, St. Matthew and St. John should be treated as three processing gospel St. Mark made one by one to meet the new needs of the Christian church.
26 Apr 2017 New illustration
The gallery of illustrations to Lesja Ukrainka's works is replenished with etching M. Deregus "Forest song. Lukash and uncle Lev" (1959). |
22 Apr 2017 New study
In the "Studies" section we continue publishing a book R. Zadesnjansky "Lesja Ukrainka creativity" (1965). Today – the section "Inadmissibility of betrayal."
Whirling and sophistry will not helt! Author by mouth Ivan without regret stripes mask from "the service of a foreign country own faith," which stands for simple appetite "in Moscow sable."
19 Apr 2017 New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph dramatic poem "Cassandra" (1907). |
15 Apr 2017 Correspondence of 1912 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available last 7 letters of 1912.
Now I start coming back to normal, and then 1.5 months on arrival there was some lazy, I did nothing absolutely. (Dec 27, 1912. To sister Olga)
12 Apr 2017 New translation
We continue publishing the article by Maurice Vernes "Gospel" translated by Lesja Ukrainka (1895). Today – section "The Gospel of St. John."
The main reason for which the writer took up the pen, was that he wanted to see in Jesus the Messiah expression of the eternal word of God.
8 Apr 2017 New illustration
The gallery of illustrations to Lesja Ukrainka's works is replenished with woodcut A. Sakhnovska "Forest song" (1929). |
5 Apr 2017 New study
In the "Studies" section we continue publishing a book R. Zadesnjansky "Lesja Ukrainka creativity" (1965). Today – the section "Personality is above the community."
The community, as follows from this work, stands immeasurably lower than true God’s representatives – artists, creators, scientists, and often is not able to understand what those units are doing.
1 Apr 2017 New edition of Lesja Ukrainka
The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of dialogue "At hoose of work, in the country of captivity" (1906). |