Start page

Lesja Ukrainka

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Annual report 2010

Statistical data in the report presented on the basis of web server and CMS Smereka statistics. Usage of Google analytics data noted separately.

Site volume

Nodes 1409
Attributes 8977
Data size 11.25 Mb
Files 433
Files size 7.26 Mb
Digital sheets 300.37

[The number of digital sheets] = [number of nodes] / 1000 + [number of attributes] / 10000 + [Total volume of all attributes in bytes] / 40000 + [Total volume of files in MB] / 2.5


Dynamics of attendance in the 2010 year

Dynamics of attendance of site «Lesja…

There are total 95 538 visitors during year

The most successful month of the 2010 year – November

Dynamics of attendance of site «Lesja…

Traffic sources

Traffic sources for site «Lesja…

According to Google analytics

Distribution of visitors by countries

1. Ukraine 92.20%
2. (not set) 4.62%
3. Russia 1.08%
4. United States 0.85%
5. Romania 0.18%
6. Moldova 0.17%
7. Germany 0.10%
8. Hungary 0.08%
9. Belarus 0.08%
10. Spain 0.07%

According to Google analytics

10 most requested documents

Encyclopedia of the life and works of Lesja Ukrainka 1581
Poems 1508
Rhymes 180
News 159
Thinking and dreams 120
Gallery 120
On the wings of songs 118
Dramatic works 108
Lesja Ukrainka 99
Literary criticism 97

10 most requested search expression

леся українка вірші5308
contra spem spero3626
вірші лесі українки3386
леся українка1826
леся українка contra spem spero1687
contra spem spero леся українка615
Вірш Лесі Українки534
Хотіла б я піснею стати472