3rd quarter 2013
28 Sep 2013 New article in the guide
In the section «Guide» continue publishing an article by B.Jakubsky "Lesja Ukrainka's creative way" (1927). Today – "7. Theme of personal experiences in the lyrics Lesja Ukrainka".
In poetry "Word, why is it not a hard bloom"… Lesja Ukrainka already speaks about her illness in connection with the poetic and civic responsibilities that lie on her.
25 Sep 2013 Correspondence of 1902 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1902.
And I look at fiction, even utilitarian, yet the writer's eye. It is difficult thing – utilitarian fiction: it would had to be more artistic than any other. (29 Nov 1902, to F. V. Volkhovsky)
21 Sep 2013 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1899».
Bergman and assistants are satisfied with the transaction and promise good results. Lesja this time chloroform is not so hard hit.
18 Sep 2013 New article on Lesja Ukrainka
The article by Andrew Nikovsky "White-handed Isolde" (1927) is published.
Meeting both Isolde over Tristan's body, strong as in Greek tragedy, however, creates a dramatic step to classical tragedy.
14 Sep 2013 New photo with Lesja Ukrainka
The portrait gallery of Lesja Ukrainka is replenished with photo of 1904 in Zelenyj Gaj (Green Forest farm). |
11 Sep 2013 New article in the guide
In the section «Guide» continue publishing an article by B.Jakubsky "Lesja Ukrainka's creative way" (1927). Today – "6. Theme of nature in the lyrics Lesja Ukrainka".
Most of them are pictures of foreign nature, fate destined for Lesja much more to be in it and its feel. But there are also a number of native landscapes, very sincere and touching.
7 Sep 2013 Correspondence of 1902 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1902.
I am writing this on the yard, on a high balcony, where the whole bay and all San Remo notable and palm trees, and houses, and upland church, and all the hills. (16 Nov 1902, to M. M. Komarova-Sidorenko)
4 Sep 2013 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1898».
June 9 sister Olga writes from Odessa to Kolodjazhne that found Lesja in Odessa in Komarov family in slightly better state than seen in the first half of April in Yalta.
31 Aug 2013 New article on Lesja Ukrainka
The article "Ukrainian version of the global theme of Don Juan in historical and literary perspective" (1927) by E. Nenadkevych is published.
1. Don Juan in world literature, 16 – 18 cent. / 3. Don Juan in world literature 2 half 19th century. / 4. The image of Don Juan in Lesja Ukrainka / 5. More images of Lesja Ukrainka's drama / 6. The composition and style.
28 Aug 2013 New photo with Lesja Ukrainka
The portrait gallery of Lesja Ukrainka is replenished with photo of 1904 in Kolodjazhne. |
24 Aug 2013 New article in the guide
In the section «Guide» continue publishing an article by B.Jakubsky "Lesja Ukrainka's creative way" (1927). Today – "5. The theme of love in the lyrics of Lesja Ukrainka".
Defining subjects of Lesja's lyrics, we can call in sequence the value and role of individual subjects of her poetry – the socio- political topic, subject importance of the poet and his words, the theme of love for own land.
21 Aug 2013 Correspondence of 1902 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1902.
I have done in Vienna and all things literary, enrolled in the library, assured myself a unpaid receiving of newspaper «Zeit» (where I was invited to employee). (2 Nov 1902, to Kosach's family)
17 Aug 2013 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1897».
This we have trouble with Lesja. She should laid for three months in bed. She suffers greatly. Treatment is very grievously, painful, and lie is boredom.
14 Aug 2013 New article on Lesja Ukrainka
The article "On the field of blood" (1927) by E. Nenadkevych is published.
The most distinctive ideological position of Lesja Ukrainka between the two authors – a social light of Judah drama: the puzzle of betrayal – in class psychology.
10 Aug 2013 New photo with Lesja Ukrainka
The portrait gallery of Lesja Ukrainka is replenished with photo of festival participants about the monument Kotlyarevskyi in Poltava, 1903. |
7 Aug 2013 New article in the guide
In the section «Guide» continue publishing an article by B.Jakubsky "Lesja Ukrainka's creative way" (1927). Today – "4. Preparation of the poet".
But fot the themes and motifs of Lesja's lyrics, especially for themes and motifs of later dramatic works play an important role not only European poets, but also serious scientific literature.
3 Aug 2013 Correspondence of 1902 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1902.
Actually, for the bread I will write a great articles in Russian magazine "Peace of God" such articles as I written for "Life", and I will pay for them for 80 rubles of the sheet. (16 Oct 1902, to O. Ju. Kobyljanska)
31 Jul 2013 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1896».
In mid-November, Lesja chosen member of the Kiev literary and artistic society.
27 Jul 2013 New article on Lesja Ukrainka
The article "On some aspects of the creative process Lesja Ukrainka and Goethe" (2010) by A. Kipa is published.
European drama of the twentieth century would begin with Lesja Ukrainka. However, her achievements in the field of drama remains largely unknown and therefore not properly evaluated in the European cultural area.
24 Jul 2013 New photo of Lesja Ukrainka
The portrait gallery of Lesja Ukrainka is replenished with photo of 1901. |
20 Jul 2013 New article in the guide
In the section «Guide» continue publishing an article by B.Jakubsky "Lesja Ukrainka's creative way" (1927). Today – "3. The general direction of creative way".
Lesja and until now, after an inspired voice Shevchenko, is the Ukrainian lyricist of the strongest voice; and after her, perhaps we need to put, as poet-lyricist, the author of the above characteristics, Franko.
17 Jul 2013 Correspondence of 1902 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 5 letters of 1902.
I spent a lot of time for the ruins of Pompeii, but not regret, because it seems to me the only thing in the world and very interesting. (7 June 1902, to Kosach's family)
13 Jul 2013 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1895».
"Our" or "your" literary works advanced not fast, nor slow. Slavinsky seems translates great (dramatic) "Ratcliff" by Heine.
10 Jul 2013 New article on Lesja Ukrainka
The article "Lesja Ukrainka and Heine" (1927) by O.Burghardt is published.
For Lesja's translations, we must say – this task she treated very honestly: the verses are ease and its contents are very close to the original.
6 Jul 2013 New photo of Lesja Ukrainka
The portrait gallery of Lesja Ukrainka is replenished with photo of 1901. |