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Lesja Ukrainka

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Among relatives in 1904

Lesja Ukrainka's photo among relatives…

Lesja Ukrainka (fourth from left) among relatives and friends.
Zelenyj Gaj (Green Forest farm), summer 1904.

If I properly define among the guests Olga Kosach-Kryvynjuk, Michael Kryvynjuka and Anton Szymanowski, this photo made in Zelenyj Gaj at summer 1904. Lesja Ukrainka stayed there from 4 (17) June to 12 (25) September; Olga Kosach left earlier – 12 (25) August; A.Shymanovsky left even earlier – sometime in early July (old style). For these reasons, one can narrow the dating of photo to the interval: beginning of June – beginning of July 1904 (old style).

In the "Chronology" O.Kosach-Kryvynjuk indicated:

In the summer of 1904 in Zelenyj Gaj was Peter Kartashevsky and repeatedly photographed all groups.

Apparently, this photo was taken by P.Kartashevsky.

After edition: Lesja Ukrainka. – K.: Soviet school, 1979, p. 138.