3rd quarter 2012
29 Sep 2012 New work by Lesja Ukrainka
The publication of guidebook «History of the ancient peoples of East», written by Lesja Ukrainka in 1890 – 1891, is finished. Today – end of section "History of Israelites (Judes)".
Hoshea was the last king of Israel. He reigned only over Ephraim country and then paying taxes for Assyria.
26 Sep 2012 New book on Lesja Ukrainka
We continue to publish a book "Lesja Ukrainka: her life, social activities and poetry" (1925) by A.Muzychka. Today – the next five chapters.
Nature. Sea. Mountains. Yalta. Italian nature. Caucasus. Thoughts and images of a strange land. Iphigenia in Tauride. Longing for her native land.
22 Sep 2012 Correspondence of 1901 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 10 letters of 1901.
I send these some verses and please do not print them all on a heap, and so that the "Rhythms" should be separate, "Minutes" is also separately, exactly the same – "Legends", all in different numbers, so as not to become hateful people too my works. (29 Jul 1901 to Ivan Franko)
19 Sep 2012 New folklore recordings
We publish next ten lyrical songs recorded by Clement Kvitka after voice of Lesja Ukrainka.
15 Sep 2012 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1879».
Soon after the March 13 Lesja's aunt Helen Antonovna Kosach (then a student midwife Yeleninsky courses) was arrested in St. Petersburg, and administratively exiled to the city Pudozh in Olonets province.
12 Sep 2012 New photo of Lesja Ukrainka
The portrait gallery of Lesja Ukrainka is replenished with little known photo of 1887. |
8 Sep 2012 New work by Lesja Ukrainka
The publication of guidebook «History of the ancient peoples of East», written by Lesja Ukrainka in 1890 – 1891, is continued. Today – begin of section "History of Israelites (Judes)".
In all three legends Saul described, like a simple shepherd of Benjamin's tribe, a very brave and tall, head and shoulders above all the people.
5 Sep 2012 New book on Lesja Ukrainka
We begin to publish a book "Lesja Ukrainka: her life, social activities and poetry" (1925) by A.Muzychka. Today – the first five chapters.
Impressions of a strange city. Shevchenko anniversary. Ukrainian theater. Lysenko's music. Lysenko's house and Staritsky's house. Cultural groups and work in them. Older and younger cultural workers. Their literary work.
1 Sep 2012 Correspondence of 1901 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 10 letters of 1901.
29 Aug 2012 New folklore recordings
We publish next ten lyrical songs recorded by Clement Kvitka after voice of Lesja Ukrainka.
24 Aug 2012 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1878».
Apparently, this aunt's visit Lesja recalled in her poem "Forgotten words", because this poem certainly written about aunt Helen.
22 Aug 2012 New work by Lesja Ukrainka
The publication of guidebook «History of the ancient peoples of East», written by Lesja Ukrainka in 1890 – 1891, is continued. Today – section "History of the Phoenicians".
Phoenician country / Sidon and Tyre. Cartagena / Trade. Crafts. Colonies / Scripture.
18 Aug 2012 New article in Studies
We finished to publish brochure "Poetess of Ukrainian Risorgimento" (1922) by D.I. Dontsov. Today – the section "Lesja Ukrainka was not understand".
How could faith in the Ukrainian Cassandra her compatriots, who made themselves God from the idea of stagnation?
15 Aug 2012 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1877».
Les began to admire the spring declamation. She declame different poems, by the way, very happy – Mickiewicz's "Mermaid" translated by Kulish.
11 Aug 2012 New work by Lesja Ukrainka
The publication of guidebook «History of the ancient peoples of East», written by Lesja Ukrainka in 1890 – 1891, is continued. Today – end of section "History of Assyrians and Babilonians".
8 Aug 2012 Correspondence of 1901 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 10 letters of 1901.
4 Aug 2012 New folklore recordings
We publish next ten lyrical songs recorded by Clement Kvitka after voice of Lesja Ukrainka.
1 Aug 2012 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1876».
In late January, Lesja was at the farewell party M. P. Dragomanov and had remembered it, even remembered that the comrades were singing then beloved song of her uncle, "Oh, in a field grass vacillated…"
28 Jul 2012 New work by Lesja Ukrainka
The publication of guidebook «History of the ancient peoples of East», written by Lesja Ukrainka in 1890 – 1891, is continued. Today – begin of section "History of Assyrians and Babilonians".
25 Jul 2012 Correspondence of 1901 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available next 10 letters of 1901.
21 Jul 2012 New folklore recordings
We publish first ten lyrical songs recorded by Clement Kvitka after voice of Lesja Ukrainka.
18 Jul 2012 New biographical work
We continue to publish the book «Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of life and creativity». Today – chapter «Year 1875».
14 Jul 2012 New work by Lesja Ukrainka
The publication of guidebook «History of the ancient peoples of East», written by Lesja Ukrainka in 1890 – 1891, is continued. Today – end of section "History of Egyptians".
11 Jul 2012 New article in Studies
The article "Folk songs to dance in the records of Lesja Ukrainka" by T.Danyljuk-Tereschuk is published.
7 Jul 2012 Photo gallery of autographs and editions updated
The gallery for autographs and editions replenished with cover of edition «Ancient history of eastern peoples» (1918) |
4 Jul 2012 Correspondence of 1901 published
The publication of letters by Lesja Ukrainka is now continued. Today available first 10 letters of 1901.