Institute of Lesja Ukrainka
Research Institute of Lesja Ukrainka opened in September 2006. Unlike its close analogues, which function in many universities, the appointment and functions of Institute – research, conceived and created such as academic research institutions.
Strategic objectives of the Institute – preparation and academic publishing the complete works of Lesja Ukrainka. In this edition come all that is written by her hand – works of art, literary and critical articles, writings, correspondence, etc. It is clear that such a publication requires a great deal of previous work, including a thorough textological studies of writer's autographs. Also in the scope of our plans and objectives included writing scholarly biography of Lesja Ukrainka, essays and monographs, bibliography, publishing and literary-memorial work.
An important form of cooperation, but also a form of publishing and testing the effects of the Institute are research conferences and seminars conducted periodically and have the status of international and national. Reports of participants are published in collections of scientific works.