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Lesja Ukrainka

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Bakhchisarai (1890)

Grand mosque and cemetery in Khan…

Grand mosque and cemetery in Khan palace complex in Bakhchisarai

Photo of the 1880s. [Ibragimova A. I. Bakhchisarai Khan’s Palace 16th – 18th centuries. – K.: 2015, p. 101, fig. 70].

In August 17, 1890 Lesja Ukrainka sailed with her mother Evpatoria to Sevastopol. On August 18, they arrived in Bakhchisarai and on August 19, they returned to Sevastopol, from there they arrived in August 20, 1890 to Jalta.

Bakhchisaray’s visits were reflected in Lesja Ukrainka’s poems: "Tatar girl", "Bakhchisarai", "Bakhchisarai palace", "Bakhchisarai tomb (two of these tombs can be seen in the photo on the right).

More about the Khan Palace – on the site "».