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Lesja Ukrainka

Encyclopedia of the life and works


St.Stephan's cathedral in Vienna (1891)

St.Stephan's cathedral in Vienna.…

St.Stephan's cathedral in Vienna. General view

Photo 1905 from Wikipedia.

This is a glorious cathedral in Vienna and throughout Austria. The first temple on this place was founded in 1137. Gothic church was built gradually in 13 – 15 centuries, and the north tower has remained unfinished.

Lesja Ukrainka during her stay in Vienna from 25 January (6 February) – 6 (18) March 1891 had going in to this cathedral. Impressions of this visit later formed the basis for sketch "Moment":

A "Moment" really inculcated by point in Stephans' Kirche, you, mother, guessed

wrote she to her mother march 22 (April 4) 1905.

Lesja Ukrainka was not fan of Christian shrines, and this episode – single authentic fact visiting some church by her.