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Lesja Ukrainka

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Place in Kharkiv (Sumska str., 5; 1889)

Apartment building in Kharkiv on the…

Apartment building in Kharkiv on the Sumska street, 5

It was built by architect A. Gorokhov in 1913. Photo September 30, 2012

Lesja Ukrainka and her mother came to Kharkiv from the village Kosivshchyna in the middle of May 1889, they stopped here at the apartment of doctor Alexander Petrovich Drahomanov (brother of Elena Pchilka and Lesja Ukrainka’s uncle) on the Sumska street, 5. Here Lesja Ukrainka consulted with doctor Wilhelm Grube. At the end of May 1889 they left to Kolodjazhne through Kiev.

The memorable house where A. P. Drahomanov lived was not preserved; a new one was built in its place in 1913 (pictured). It is alleged that the house has preserved [Moroz M. O. Chronicle of the life and work of Lesya Ukrainka. – K.: 1992, No. 184].